Indonesian Adventure 2024. Sorong to Yogyakarta, Prambanan and Borobudur Temples.

 8th July 2024
Our unplanned stay in the village/ town of Sorong was made better by staying at the Hotel Aston. This looked like a new building as it was very clean,  modern and comfortable. 
It was pouring with rain when we arrived at the ferry port in Sorong, the rain continued for the rest of the day so we did not have the opportunity to use the pool. We did take a short walk to a shopping centre located along a very busy road at the back of the airport. Sorong is a busy port but not really a place to hang around for long in. It was very dirty, totally polluted with plastic- the rivers were full of plastic bottles. Many children were roaming about and as soon as they saw us they started to beg. We couldn't locate any restaurants, so ate at the hotel.
9th July 2024
Out next destination was Yogyakarta. 
Due to the Lion Air fiasco we had already lost one day in Yogya and the only available flights were via Jakarta, with different airlines. Despite it not being high season, airline seats were limited and for the Sorong to Jakarta flight availablity was reduced to a business class flight with Garuda, for Jakarta to Yogya= a business class flight with Batik Air. So Lion Air has cost us time and a lot of money 😒.
Following an early but good breakfast at the hotel, it was a five minute taxi ride to the airport. 
Sorong departures area appeared a lot bigger than the arrivals hall and more modern. 
Sorong Airport Indonesia

Sorong airport Indonesia 

Check in  at the Garuda counter was fast, and we were escorted by a member of Garuda staff through security to the small business class lounge. The lounge was small, very quiet, we did not stay long as the smoking part was a corner of the lounge, so the whole area smelt of cigarettes. 
The Garuda flight was good, took off on time and the traditional Indonesian breakfast was delicious. 
As our second flight of the day was Jakarta to Yogyakarta with Batik Air, we had to collect our bags, go to Terminal 2 and check in for the Batik Air flight. The transfer to terminal 2 was very easy using the sky train.
Batik Air check in took a while, but once at the counter the staff were very helpful. The lounge was small, with an odd selection of food and a few drinks. But it was a quiet area to sit. 
Making our way to the gate; D6,  we had to clear security, so once through you couldn't go back. At the gate, the sitting area was full but there was no sign of an aircraft . Looking on Fight 24 I could see the flight was at least an hour behind schedule but no announcements were made. 
The flight was scheduled for 13:20, at 14.45 staff appeared and checked people through- so we joined the que. We walked onto the tarmac and onto the aircraft. 
Batik business class seats were nice, large seats, although the flight was only just one and a half  hour we got tea and a strange bun filled with jam. the flight was full and took off at 15.11.
Welcome to Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta airport (YIA) is very modern, it looked new and is very big - ready for a lot of  international flights? It is also a long way from Yogya; the taxi took 90 minutes to take us to the Melia Purosani Hotel. 
The location of the hotel was perfect, just a short distance from the main street Jl Malioboro and the historic Palace or Kraton area. The bed was the biggest hotel bed I have ever slept in! The gardens and pool area were very nice. 

After such a long day and journey we took a quick walk to Jl Malioboro, then got pizza at the hotel.
10th July 2024
The historic Kraton area has most of Yogy's tourist attractions and many old buildings, however -  Monday must be the new Sunday as most of the attractions/ museums were closed! 
We walked up Jl Malioboro towards the Kraton, got stopped by hordes of school children practicing their (very good) English. Explored the narrow streets that surround the palace that are full of craft shops, batik sales rooms and coffee shops. 
The Cinamon Tea was delicious 

One amazing and worthwhile attraction was open, the Water Palace or Taman Sari. 

Sadly the underground mosque has been closed since the covid lockdown, but the residential area surrounding it is lovely. 
Underground Mosque in Yogyakarta -Now Closed-

We got a motorcycle rickshaw to the Prambanan temple be honest we did not realise how far it was and should have got a taxi!! 
The Hindu complex of over 240 temples was fabulous; despite the main temple being closed for renovation and only having an afternoon to explore we made the best of our time and managed to get to all corners of the complex. 

The rickshaw driver waited and took us back to the hotel. 
When in Asia I love to eat the street food, but the street food in Yogya just did not tempt me, most of it was pre cooked and just heated up as you ordered it, so I was reluctant to eat it. After our busy day, once washed and changed we made our way to the Mediterranea Restaurant by Kamil, the meal was delicious and well work the 45 minute walk. 
11th July 2024
The Kraton was open today, so we arrived at 08.30 opening time. Once inside, we were very underwhelmed with the complex and the displays. There was a performance of Gamelan music; but there is only so much of that I can listen too😊. 
Visitor numbers for the Buddhist Temple of Borobudur are now restricted and you have to book your slot on line, I had booked tickets for the temple structure climb at sunset. 
To get to Borobudur we got a Grab Taxi at 13.30, the journey took just over an hour (the taxi driver was happy to wait and take us back). We sat in the air conditioned office until at 15.00 we were issued with an armband, this showed your group number. We then waited in an area under the trees and when called were issued with a bottle of water and the official footwear to be worn on the monument. 
Borobudur temple mandatory footwear
Our group leader then guided us up onto the temple, and led us around the terraces and up onto the top for sunset. It was a really worthwhile experience, the only bit I didn't enjoy was the walk out of the complex as you had to pass though so many traders selling all things touristy about Borobudur.

That evening on the busy Jl Malioboro there was a traditional Indonesian dance competition it was a lively atmosphere and the dances were enjoyable to watch. 
I was very glad to have included Yogyakarta to our Indonesian adventure. Due to Lion Air our time was reduced from 4 nights to 3, but we still managed to see the main attractions and experience some of what it has to offer. 


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