Indonesian Adventure 2024. Jakarta. Last day in the Old Town

 Our Indonesian adventure was drawing to a close. 

29th June 2024

Leaving Bali on a midday Air Aisa flight to Jakarta - it took off on time! it was raining as we arrived in Jakarta. Checked into the hotel. The hotel was quite isolated from shops / restaurants/ so we ate at the hotel, it was nice but very expensive - we were the only people in the restaurant!

30th June 2024

Following a large breakfast we got a Grab into the Old Town of Jakarta. it was a lot nicer than I had expected. Many of the negative reviews are unfair. 

The old town was busy with families out enjoying the Sunday.


Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 
Old Town Jakarta 

Old Town Jakarta 
So that was our last stop in Indonesia, we had had a wonderful experience exploring a small part of a fabulous and diverse country.  


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