Buenos Aires, Beautiful Town I love you! A sad farewell. Celebrity Eclipse sails. 2nd March 2020

Buenos Aires.

The ship had stayed overnight in Buenos Aires, and it was the last full day to explore the city. All aboard was at 16.15. 

My plan today was to visit the Museo Evita. But, when checking how to get to the museum I saw that it was closed on a Monday. So instead we went to the Colon Theatre.

A shuttle bus took us from the ship to the port entrance gates. As we had been in Buenos Aires for a week we had got our bearings - and confidence that we would not be robbed! So walked from the port gates past the station and the English Tower. We called in to pay our respects at the Malvinas memorial. Then carried on walking to the Colon Theatre.

The theatre had been recently refurbished and there are guided tours in Spanish and English. We joined the 11.00 English tour.  The theatre is beautiful inside and out, I was disappointed about not getting to the Evita museum, but visiting this magnificent building did make up for that.

Next we explored the Recoleta cemetery and had lunch at one of the cafes bordering the cemetery.

Then we walked to the park where the giant metal Floralis Generica is. This is a mechanical metal flower set in a reflecting pool, the flower was designed to open and close in response to the daylight, but due to mechanical problems it is open all the time.

Having had our final day in the truly amazing Buenos Aires we made our way back to the ship.

The sail away was at 19.00 and the city looked different again seen from the shoreline.

Tonight things seemed calmer in the dining room

and we enjoyed our meal and started to get to know

our waiters, Rania and Aris. 

Then it was onto the Sky Lounge for the fun of the

silent disco. 

I was very sad to leave Buenos Aires (BA), this was a city I had wanted to visit for years. Tempted by what I thought I knew about the history of the city via the Eva Peron story, films about Nazis hiding in the city, the tango, the football, the beef, the Malbec and the Malvinas! I had also been enticed by the Argentine tourist board who always have a  display at the Rugby World Cups - In New Zealand it was a very lively Tango Bus. The Biking (history) tour showed me how little I really knew. 

In England as my departure time drew nearer, I was getting VERY nervous and concerned about visiting the city and thought I had been foolish choosing to stay a week in BA. This was partly because my neighbour had had a bad experience, stating he did not feel safe in the city. Then, in December 2019 there was a lot of publicity in the UK press about the British man who was robbed and killed within hours of arriving in BA. then I started Googling.....a case of to much information!!!!

In reality I found a thriving, lively city with a European feel to it. I loved every moment of my visit and never felt threatened.  It was the best city break I have every had and its a shame its a 14 hour flight away. 

In the words of Andrew Lloyd Webber; ''Beautiful town, I love you''. 
