The Rugby world cup Sevens in Dubai.
The IRB Rugby World Cup Sevens, were held from Thursday 5th March to Saturday 7th March. The tournament was held at 'The Sevens' stadium in Dubai.
The IRB web page says this 'Built by Emirates Airline, with the support of the Government of Dubai, The Sevens features a permanent grandstand with 4,500 seats and temporary stands, which will be erected around this permanent structure to increase the capacity to 50,000. ' The stadium consists of tempory structures that look as if they could be moved if and when needed to. It also says that the stadium is 1/2 a hour from Dubai. I did not time the drive, but it is a long, long way from the city center of Dubai. The stadium, it is next to the Camel Racing Track.
We got a taxi to the venue, buses were put on to bring the crowds back.
If you have ever been to a Rugby Sevens Tournament you will know it is a real party atmosphere.
I have been told by a very good friend that the best Sevens to go to is the Wellington Sevens in New Zealand, she went to the tournament whilst on holiday there.
Well, we got a bit of the ‘Welly’ Sevens ambiance at the RWC Sevens Dubai, as we were sat among a great Kiwi crowd, they had all ready got stuck in to the Heinekens when we arrived at about 11.00 am day one, two and three. Those fans really know how to party!
Lots of the crowd were dressed up, we saw Dame Edna’s, Knights Templers, Smurfs ect and the best Rugby shirt I have seen, a ½ Wallaby & ½ Springbok ...brilliant for supporters with a divided allegiance. It was two, long, hard days of partying, I think it is why it is put so far out in the Desert.
Good fun, even if Wales did win it!?! .....getting us in the mood for the Rugby World Cup, New Zealand 2011.
Our last day of our holiday, we chilled out on the 'Public Beach' in Dubai.
Our flight home with Ethihad was at 02.00 am, the bus left Dubai at 23.00. There was thick fog and a sand storm on our way to the airport. I don't know how the driver drove in it, as you could not see a thing! there was a very bad accident on the SZR on the way to Adu Dhabi.
The flight home with Ethihad was one of the worst flights I have ever been on. Far, far worse than any UK Charter! A Small cramped seat, on a packed plane. No drinks, not tea, water , just NONE! the stewardess running over our feet all the time with the trolley, (what was served? Not drinks.) it was not her fault, it is that the aisle are so small. At breakfast, the food ran out 1/2 way down the economy section of the plane...good job I was not hungry. I hope I don't have to fly with Ethihad again as I was not impressed.! In fact I will only fly with them if I do it as a ZED, 10% of the full price, as that is all it is worth.
We got a taxi to the venue, buses were put on to bring the crowds back.
If you have ever been to a Rugby Sevens Tournament you will know it is a real party atmosphere.
Well, we got a bit of the ‘Welly’ Sevens ambiance at the RWC Sevens Dubai, as we were sat among a great Kiwi crowd, they had all ready got stuck in to the Heinekens when we arrived at about 11.00 am day one, two and three. Those fans really know how to party!
Lots of the crowd were dressed up, we saw Dame Edna’s, Knights Templers, Smurfs ect and the best Rugby shirt I have seen, a ½ Wallaby & ½ Springbok ...brilliant for supporters with a divided allegiance. It was two, long, hard days of partying, I think it is why it is put so far out in the Desert.
Good fun, even if Wales did win it!?! .....getting us in the mood for the Rugby World Cup, New Zealand 2011.
Our flight home with Ethihad was at 02.00 am, the bus left Dubai at 23.00. There was thick fog and a sand storm on our way to the airport. I don't know how the driver drove in it, as you could not see a thing! there was a very bad accident on the SZR on the way to Adu Dhabi.
The flight home with Ethihad was one of the worst flights I have ever been on. Far, far worse than any UK Charter! A Small cramped seat, on a packed plane. No drinks, not tea, water , just NONE! the stewardess running over our feet all the time with the trolley, (what was served? Not drinks.) it was not her fault, it is that the aisle are so small. At breakfast, the food ran out 1/2 way down the economy section of the plane...good job I was not hungry. I hope I don't have to fly with Ethihad again as I was not impressed.! In fact I will only fly with them if I do it as a ZED, 10% of the full price, as that is all it is worth.
There is no scope for rugby in Dubai,only football and cricket played with interest in Dubai,and rugby sevens a prestigious tournament played between great rugby countries.