Indonesian Adventure 2024. Raja Ampat, Sorong, Papua and Biodiversity Eco Resprt.

2nd June 2024 - 8th June 2024.
We had travelled to Sorong, Papua, Indonesia to visit Raja Ampat Islands. 
Diving is one of the main activities here, we are not divers but do snorkel. 
I had read that you needed a special Papua travel permit, but this information seem to be out of date as the Lonely Planet advised that the Indonesian Visa is sufficient and this was correct. We did need a Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Area Permit, this was sorted out for us by the resort I had chosen to stay at; Biodiversity Nature Resort in Waigeo.
Sorong Airport
The airport was small but busy, baggage collection was a bit chaotic. 
Once out side the terminal a representative from Biodiversity met us and showed us to a taxi, we went to the Swiss-Belhotal where we could get breakfast if required - as we had been so well fed on the aircraft we didn't need any more food. But relaxed in the lobby area until about 08:30. Then it was a very short drive to the ferry office. We were given our VIP ferry tickets and helped onto the ferry. 
The ferry service we used was operated by Marina Express Bahari, it goes from Sorong to Waisai at 0900 and 1400. 
On the ferry, the VIP tickets gave us entrance to an air conditioned room full of brown leather settees/ sofas. Some passengers were already laid out asleep on the sofas. the luggage was stacked up in a corner at the back. 
Once underway, I went out side, onto the partly open, upper deck at the back, joining the none VIP passengers in order to quell my seasickness and get some air. It was very smoky air as most of the passengers were chain smoking and if not smoking chewing Betel Nut; spitting bright red saliva overboard.
There was a small stand selling pot noodles and water. Most of the passengers knew one another, and it was a lively journey lasting just over two hours. 
At Waisi harbour we were greeted by two members of staff from Biodiversity. they took our bags and we walked around the back of the harbour to a speed boat and the 45 minute journey to the jetty ay the Biodiversity resort. 
We were greeted with cold towels and a hibiscus drink, advised about meal times and available activities and shown to our wooden and thatched hut on the beach. 
The hut was large with a king size bed, covered in a mosquito net, the bathroom was outside. there was a porch with chairs, table and hammock. We had our own double sun bed. 

We relaxed in the knowledge that we had arrived in Paradise. 
For the next six days the routine was: 
  • Wake up at 06:00 - with the delivery of a flask of hot water, to make up the tea/ coffee that was in the room.
  • Breakfast at 07.30
  • Briefing on the jetty about todays dive or snorkel at 07.45
  • Out on the dive speedboat at 08.00.
  • Back to the resort at 12.00 to 12.30
  • Lunch at 13.00
  • Afternoon dive activities at 14.30 (we only did the morning activities). Or relax on the double sun bed or snorkel on the house reef. 
  • Afternoon tea from 15.30/16.00
  • Bar and wifi opens at 17.00
  • Dinner at 19.00
  • Sleep anytime after 21.30
The food was fantastic, the variety of salads and main dishes we were given, you would never believe we were in such a remote location. Hot drinks were available all day as was fresh water.
The Snorkelling
Each day we snorkelled we went to a different location, each one more spectacular than the last. pristine coral gardens, shoals of fish, the best of all was Sauwandarek Jetty and Yenbuba Jetty - I don't have words to describe what I saw, and did not take many photos as I was just to busy looking at the stunning sights. 

We did a sundowner trip out to 'The Passage', this is a saltwater river separating the islands of Gam and Waigeo. We did not see the famous saltwater crocodile. 
We also did a full day trip to the Fam Islands, this included snorkelling at Melissas garden and Rufus, a wall of corals. 

On the way back as we went through the Dampier Straight, the seas became really rough and it was quite a scary ride back to the resort. 
Most days we saw dolphins, and on the first day saw Whales. 
Journey back to Sorong
After six relaxing days the next morning at 07.30 we got the speedboat back to Waisi, this journey only took 30 minuets and we were at the ferry harbour by 08.00. 
This ferry was far more modern that the previous one, it had aircraft type seating in the airconditioned VIP cabin. Setting off at 09.00 we arrived into Sorong at about 11.15, but it took a good 30 to 45 minutes to get off the ferry, via a very small, slippery wooded gang plank! Our transport was waiting for us to take us to the airport- but we were having to have an unexpected night in Sorong. 
Lion Air
Just do not book anything, EVER with Lion Air. The flight I had booked with Lion Air was due to depart Sorong at 15.30 but it was cancelled the evening before. The web site had a button to request a refund or change your flight-- but it was a dead end and didn't work!  
We had to stay in Sorong overnight and pay for a new flight the next morning (only one with availability) with Garuda to Jakarta and then onto Yogyakarta our next destination. 


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