November 2009, Emirates Crew Roster.
I haven't 'Blogged' for ages.................I have been very busy, but also, I have been waiting for photos!! Air Emirates Crew Rota for November 2009.Due to a 'Family Event', it was a bid for Days Off this month, so had a lot of short turnrounds.
1/11/09 DXB-Dacca-DXB.
photos below of Durban.
8/11/09 DXB-Jedda-DXB.

1/11/09 DXB-Dacca-DXB.
photos below of Durban.
9/11/09 DXB-Bombay-DXB.
10/11/09 DXB-KWI-DXB.
12/11/09 DXB-BLR-DXB.
16/11/09 DXB-JAKARTA-DXB...............for some odd reason I dont have any photos of this destination!
Get back into DXB on 19/11/09, get changed and get on the flight bound for Manchester.
Get back to DXB on the 25/11/09 and set off on a five day Trip DXB-Brisbane-Auckland.

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