Namibia, Swakopmund, Senic Air Flight over Sossusvlei.
In Swakopmund we had really got to grips with the sand based activities on offer! We driven trough the desert, climbed up the dunes and moon walked down them, rode over them on quad bikes, now it was time to fly over them and see what the desert meeting the ocean looked like from above.
We met our Scenic Air pilot at the airstrip. He was at least 6ft 6, and I did not know how he would fit in the small 6 seated plane. He sorted the five of us into the order he wanted for weigh distribution, than we were off.
First the Swakop River. The rivers are dry, the water runs underground, but you can see the course of the river by the trees growing in the river bed.
The Kuiseb River bed and Canyon looked very different from the air than when we drove through it.
The Sossusvlei Dunes looked lifeless from the air, but we did see a family of Orynx, the pilot flew down low so we could get a better look at them. We flew over the Dead Vlei and the Hidden Vlei where we had walked to just a few days earlier.
In this area we saw old diamond workings, the ship wreaks of the 'Eduard Bohlen' and 'Shaunee' half buried in the sand. We also saw many Seals in the sea and once again the pilot flew low over the surf to give us a good view.
We flew over the Walvis Bay Salt Works before returning to Swakopmund.Penned as Namibia's premier tourist and recreational resort, it forms an oasis for body and soul.
This flight lasted about 1 1/2 hours, it was expensive, priced in US$$. People choose to spend their hard earned cash in lots of different ways, for me this flight was definitely worth the money, Senic Air say 'We fly your breath away', they did that to me! It was the perfect end to a memorable stay in the small town of Swakopmund, a small town with lots on offer.
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