Indonesian Adventure 2024. Exploring Kuala Lumpur. Banyan Tree, Petronas Towers, China Town and more

31st May 2024. Kuala Lumpur
Banyan Tree breakfast, was a mixture of self service and al a cart was served on the roof top terrace with a view of the Petronas Towers.
Champagne was available if you wanted it; but it was to early for me to indulge, so I stuck to Pineapple juice. 
Using the official web page, I had pre booked tickets for the Petronas Twin Towers at 10.00. Google maps showed that it would be a 20 minute walk. however, Google was difficult to follow, so many of the buildings have underground malls and the signal got lost. Luckily, there are many helpful security guards to point you in the right direction. 
At the towers we joined a long line to exchange the eticket for a physical ticket, and, as the web site stated, show our passports. but as we queued,  we were given a blue sticker and told to wait until the blue group was called.  
The first stop was on floor 41 or 42, this is where the bridge connecting the towers is located. The guide gave a very quick explanation of the bridge. then informed us we had 15 minutes at this stop. 

The next stop was at the top of the tower. To admire the views, there was a small café, shop selling gifts and a post box. 

Once back down at ground level we explored the gorgeous gardens and grounds, this area was more interesting than the top of the tower. I especially like the free paddling pools for children to enjoy. 

We walked 15 minutes to the KL tower, to do the Eco Park Canopy walk. but as it was a Friday it was closed. 
The open top bus was parked here, so we decided to do that instead. This was a big mistake!
the bus route is poor, but the worst thing was - the roads in KL are not suitable for this tour. We just sat in traffic for hours. In the end we got off and walked. It was the worst Hop on Hop off bus tour we have ever done.  
The good news was the wonderful hotel with the large bath refreshed us in no time.
Later we walked to China Town and Petaling Street Market, I was looking for somewhere to eat, but saw lots of rats scurrying around so that put me off. 

A good meal was had in The Pavilion Mall, it had been a great day, in a city I had very low expectations of but really enjoyed. 


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